NZ Bumblebee Conservation Trust (NZBCT) works to conserve, preserve and grow the species and numbers of bumblebees in New Zealand, this work is not just for the love of our humming friends it is in fact one for the wellbeing of our planet.

The humble bumblebee is recognised by scientists across the world as a ‘keystone species’, meaning it is vital for ecosystems, they are in fact important pollinators, sometimes pollinating crops that no other insect can. “One in every three spoonsful of food we put in our mouths is from a crop totally dependent on a pollinator insect” Geoff Brunsden, NZBCT Co-founder explains further. The stark truth is, as Einstein famously said, “without bees’ mankind has 4 years to live”.
This humble bumblebee is in fact quite the powerhouse, with a single bumblebee doing up to 50 times the work of a honeybee and carrying a bigger payload of pollen. Geoff tells us that “we can all be part of protecting this fascinating species, and this is what NZ Bumblebee Conservation Trust is all about”.
Their latest campaign ‘Saving the Sounds of the Summer’ is bringing the joy of bumblebees to communities all around the bay and in the most practical and fun way. “The Bay of Plenty is full of passionate, skilled gardeners and nature enthusiasts and by making your space and place more bumblebee friendly we can all save the sounds of summer together”. So how can you be part of this mission?
NZBCT alongside their founding sponsor Wright Family Foundation will be sponsoring a select number of garden bumblebee hives to the community. The Wright Family Foundation is passionate about supporting the NZBT’s mission. The late Chloe Wright (Founder and CEO Wright Family Foundation) explained “the beehive offers our communities an incredible opportunity to make a positive difference in the world, it is about what we can do for the environment”.
The hives come with a colony of bumblebees keen to get busy in their new space. “We think these hives will offer an engaging hands-on way to learn and become excited about protecting our treasured bumblebee, we welcome enquiries from all groups throughout the BOP from schools and community gardens to retirement villages and churches” encourages Geoff. “We would love to see parents and grandparents who may be looking for a great Christmas gift that gives back, to think about a bumblebee hive”.
If you or your organisation would like to find out more about the bumblebee hives you can contact Geoff direct at
Get in touch with us for more information today