Bee Involved
How can you help us conserve the long-term future of bumblebees in New Zealand?
Bee Kind
Managing your land
Avoid insecticides where possible or spray at night if necessary
Home gardening for bees – plant lots of flowers, wildflowers & herbs

You can buy wildflower seeds from Wildflower World
Buy a live bumblebee hive – you can order one right here

Information on How to place a Bumblebee Hive Box can be found here
Bee Supportive
Ways to help the NZBCT achieve our aim and support our long-term viability:
Donate through Give a Little
Develop a commercially innovative and consumer friendly, branded product range, advertising it on our website and sharing a small % of your profit margin for the NZBCT
Leave a legacy
Establish an Enduring sponsorship with us that has synergy and can derive benefits, while supporting our NZ Bumblebee Conservation Trust.

Visit our Store

Gardens no matter what size can bee a lifeline for bumblebees You can contribute to our efforts to save the sound of summer by providing lots of bee friendly flowers through the year. Bee friendly flowers are ones that are rich in nectar and includes lavender, borage, cat mint, foxglove, geraniums, herbs and wildflowers.

If you find a stranded or sleepy bumblebee you can help boost her energy levels with a simple sugar-water mix. Mix equal parts of sugar and warm water then pour into a small container or lid. Place both the bee and the artificial nectar near to some flowers.