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Bee Creative

Relocating a bumblebee nest

This is what Allan, from Manurewa achieved and how he did it

bee hive
The hay bale they occupied, and their new home

 An unused worm farm tray

bee hive

“Following encouragement from various sources and checking out Beekeeper Google, last night I transferred the nest into a suitable box, and have located it elsewhere on my property. Very apprehensive about moving the nest (stepping out into the great unknown), it was actually quite straightforward, taking only a few minutes. The nest was very small, and with the task undertaken at night, the bumble bees weren’t flying. I hardly needed the (amateur) protective gear I put on. This morning the bees are in and out of their new home. Several are buzzing around where their nest was, probably in the light of day wondering quite what has happened, and working out the flight path to their new home location. So, overall, a successful outcome – for the bees, for plants in the vicinity benefiting from pollination, and for the amazing creation we inhabit.” – Allan from Manuwera

Learning Notes

Rachel Weston has created some learning notes to go with the book

“Bumblebees Have Smelly Feet”. You can download them here

Bumblebees Have Smelly Feet

Create a Paper Bumblebee

Here is a great and fun little craft for small children. Download the file right here

Beautiful artwork using bumblebees

Joanne Ostler from Cambridge has shared some of her beautiful drawings that also impart a lovely message.

Bumble Bee Christmas Card
Bumble Bee Christmas Card
Bee on flower
Bee next

How to Make a Bumblebee Nest

Making a homemade hive to attract bumblebees to make a nest in, is difficult. Bumblebees are very secretive and hide their nests underground in places that are very hard to find. Here is an option to try to attract a new queen to make a nest. You may be successful, but don’t be concerned if it doesn’t work. It’s worth the try.